Welcome to Radio Lab ! (ようこそ金研!)
The radio signal processing laboratory (Radio lab) of Niigata University has been launched in Apr. 2014. The research area covers radio channel sounding, sensing and various topics of radio signal processing.
One paper has been presented at IEICE TC-AP (Nov 14)
Masato Yomoda, Minghe Mao, Minseok Kim, “Comparison of Indoor Multipath Cluster Characteristics at 154 and 300 GHz,” IEICE Technical Report, AP2024-144, Nov. 2024 (in Japanese)
四方田誠人, 毛 明禾, 金 ミンソク, “屋内環境における150GHzと300GHz帯多重波クラスタ特性の比較 ,” 信学技報, AP2024-144, 2024年11月 (in English)
Two papers were presented at ISAP2024
The following papers were presented at ISAP2024 (Nov. 5-8), held in Incheon, Korea.
- Minghe Mao, Anirban Ghosh, Minseok Kim, “Measurement-Based Indoor Channel Capacity Analysis at 300 GHz for Coverage Design,” 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Nov. 2024 (won Best Antenna Measurement Paper Award: Third Prize)
- Koularp Thongsavanh and Minseok Kim, “Experimental Investigation of Environment Impacts on AOA-Based Indoor Localization,” 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Nov. 2024.
One paper has been published in IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. (Q1)
The following paper has been published in IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. (Q1)
Hibiki Tsukada, Naoya Suzuki, Minseok Kim, Banibrata Bag, Riku Takahashi, “Millimeter-Wave Urban Cellular Channel Characterization and Recipe for High-Precision Site-Specific Channel Simulation,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. (early access)
Several papers have been presented at IEICE TC-AP (Oct 16-18) and IEICE Society Conf. (Sept. 12)
Koularp Thongsavanh・Minseok Kim, “Investigation of Environment Impacts on AOA-Based Indoor Localization Using Distributed MIMO Sensors,” IEICE Tech. Rep., AP2024-57, 2024年10月
Teng gesi・Minseok Kim, “Optimization of Regularization Parameters in Device-Free Indoor Positioning Methods,” IEICE Tech. Rep., AP2024-100, 2024年10月
金ミンソク, Beyond 5G/6G に向けたTHz 波伝搬チャネル測定とチャネルモデリング, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, BS-1-01(2024年9月)
One paper has been published in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. (Q1)
The following paper has been published in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. (Q1)
Riku Takahashi, Anirban Ghosh, Minghe Mao, Minseok Kim, “Channel Modeling and Characterization of Access, D2D and Backhaul Links in a Corridor Environment at 300 GHz,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Vol. 72, Sept., 2024
A new PJ funded by MIC FORWARD has been accepted
総務省 持続可能な電波有効利用のための基盤技術研究開発事業(FORWARD)(2024年~2028年3月)に採択されました.
One paper has been published in IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. (Q1)
The following paper has been published in IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. (Q1)
Minghe Mao, Anirban Ghosh, Riku Takahashi, Minseok Kim, “MIMO Channel Capacity Measurement in Open Square Hot Spot Access Scenarios at 300 GHz,” IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., Vol. 13, Jul. 2024.
Ikegami won the IEICE TC-AP student encouragement award.
Togo Ikegami, Masamune Sato, Koularp Thongsavanh, Minseok Kim, “Multi-Link 8×8 MIMO Measurement System Construction and Evaluation Experiment,” IEICE Technical Report, AP2023-156, Dec. 14, 2023 (in Japanese)
池上十五・佐藤正宗・トンサヴァン クーラープ・金 ミンソク, “マルチリンク8×8MIMO測定系の構築と評価実験,” 信学技報, AP2023-156, 2023年12月