Research Projects

JAEA Nuclear Energy S&T and Human Resource Development Project (英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業) “Development of a Passive Wireless Communication System for Poor Radio Propagation Environments”「障害物等による劣悪環境下でも通信可能なパッシブ無線通信方式の開発」(2022-2024)


R&D for Expansion of Radio Wave Resources

  • Research and development on space-time propagation characteristics of millimeter-wave band access links for next generation mobile communication systems 次世代移動通信システムのためのミリ波帯アクセスリンクの時空間伝搬特性に関する研究開発(MIC/SCOPE #145004102
  • Research and development of device-free indoor localization and visualization techniques using millimeter-wave wireless communication ミリ波無線通信を用いたデバイスフリー人動線可視化技術の研究開発(MIC/SCOPE #195004002