Textbook reading seminar 2020
Zoom Meeting
- Time: 14:30-18:30, every Fri
- URL: https://zoom.us/j/95688434155
- ミーティングID: 956 8843 4155
Channel Modeling (CM)
- 電気電子工学文献詳読I(M1)・II(M2)
- Textbook (Articles)
- Microwave vs. Millimeter-Wave Propagation Channels Key Differences and Impact on 5G Cellular Systems, IEEE Commun. Mag, Dec. 2018.
- [Supelec Kammoun] Preliminary results on 3D channel modeling From theory to standardization, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Volume: 32 , Issue: 6 , June 2014).
- [TUB Ademaj] Implementation, validation and application of the 3GPP 3D MIMO channel model in open source simulation tools, 2015 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Aug. 2015.
- [TUWien Ademaj] 3GPP_3D_MIMO_channel_model_a_holistic_implementation, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2016).
- [NIST Varshney] On Quasi-Deterministic mmWave Channel Modeling using Raytracer Performance Analysis with Deterministic and Random Rays
- [TUI Iqbal] Multipath Cluster Fading Statistics and Modeling in Millimeter-Wave Radio Channels
- Time: 10:15-11:45, Fri
- Lecturers (M2/M1): Yamakawa, Tang, Kumakura, Miyake
- Members (B4): Shimbo, Shibuya, Tsukada
- Schedule
Date | Topic | Charge | Material |
6/4 | Paper #1 (1/2) | Kim | |
6/11 | Paper #1 (2/2) | Tang | |
6/24 | Paper #2 (1/2) | Yamakawa | |
7/10 | Paper #2 (2/2) | | |
7/31 | Paper #3 | Kumakura | |
10/16 | Paper #5 | Shimbo, Kim | |
10/23 | Paper #4 | Tang | |
11/2 | Radar For Health Care Recognizing Human Activities and Monitoring Vital Signs | Miyake | |
11/6 | Paper #6 | Kim | |
11/13 | Paper #6 | Yamakawa | |
11/20 | Kumakura | ||
12/11 | Tang |
Machine Learning (ML)
- 電気電子工学文献詳読I(M1)・II(M2)
- Textbook (Articles)
- Time: 16:25-17:55, Fri
- Lecturers (M2/M1): Mitta, Tasaki, Nagai, Zhou, Calist
- Members (B4): Lee, Homma, Pula, (Li)
- Schedule
Date | Topic | Charge | Material |
6/4 | 開発環境構築・ツール使用法 | Mitta | |
6/11 | 第1章 基礎, 第2章 分類問題(Perceptron, Adaline) | Mitta | |
6/26 | 第3章 分類問題(scikit-learn:ロジスティック回帰) | Tasaki | |
7/10 | 第3章 分類問題(scikit-learn:SVM,決定木,K-近接法) | Nagai | |
7/31 | 第3章 残り | Mitta | |
10/16 | 第4章 データ前処理ーよりよいトレーニンク’セットの構築 | Tasaki | |
10/26 | 第5章 次元削減 | Zhou | |
10/30 | 第6章 モデル評価・パラメータチューニング | Nagai | |
11/9 | 第7章 アンサンブル学習 | Mitta | |
11/13 | 第10章 回帰分析 | Zhou | |
11/30 | 第11章 クラスタリング | Shibuya | |
12/11 | 第12章 ニューラルネットワーク | Tasaki |
Python 環境構築
PS> $PSVersionTable
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
PS> iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh')
PS> scoop install git
PS> scoop bucket add extras
PS> scoop install anaconda3
PS> mkdir Work # 任意のディレクトリ作成(不必要なら無視)
PS> cd Work # 任意のディレクトリに移動
PS> git clone https://github.com/rasbt/python-machine-learning-book.git # クローン