Advanced Course of Electronics, Information and Communications

Time and Location


  • Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, 1st Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2005
  • Andrea F. Molisch, Wireless Communications, 2nd Ed., Willey, 2011
Guidance and introduction slide1, slide2
2Path Loss and Shadowing slide
3Propagation Mechanisms slide
4Statistical Multipath Channel Models slide
5Capacity of Wireless Channels slide
6Digital Modulation slide
7Diversity slide
8 MIMO Fundamentals slide


1Apr. 11Guidance and introduction
2Apr. 18Path Loss and Shadowing
3Apr. 25Path Loss and Shadowing
4May 9Propagation Mechanisms
May 16break (ICC Seoul)
5May 23Propagation Mechanisms
May 30break
6Jun. 6Statistical Multipath Channel Models
7Jun. 13Statistical Multipath Channel Models Jakes’ fading realization
8Jun. 20Capacity of Wireless Channels
9Jun. 27Digital Modulation
10Jul. 4Digital Modulation
11Jul. 11Diversity, MIMO Fundamentals
Jul. 18holiday