TakahashiSuzuikiIkegamiRiku Takahashi “Double-Directional Channel Characteristics in a Conference Room Environment at 300 GHz,” IEICE Technical Report, AP2022-93 Naoya Suzuki, “Investigation of Frequency Dependency of Multipath Clusters Through Simultaneous Channel Measurements at 24 and 60 GHz,” IEICE Technical Report, AP2022-113Togo Ikegami, “Development of a Passive Localization System using Distributed MIMO Sensors,” IEICE Technical Report, AP2022-127
BBQ party 2023 (made by Koularp)
Indoor Measurement in Entrance Atrium Hall (Jul. 2016).
- "R&D of narrow multi-beamforming technology to enable frequency sharing in direct communication between low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites and ground terminals" "低軌道衛星と地上端末直接通信における周波数共用を可能とするナローマルチビーム形成技術の研究開発" (2024-2026) (JPJ000254)
- "Development of a Passive Wireless Communication System for Poor Radio Propagation Environments" "障害物等による劣悪環境下でも通信可能なパッシブ無線通信方式の開発" (2022-2024)(JPJA22P22683407)
- "R&D for the realization of high-precision radio wave emulator in cyberspace" "仮想空間における電波模擬システム技術の高度化に向けた研究開発" (2020-2023) (JPJ000254)
Promotion Video (Japanese)
(English) See Achievement
Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme(SCOPE)戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業
- Research and development of device-free indoor localization and visualization techniques using millimeter-wave wireless communication ミリ波無線通信を用いたデバイスフリー人動線可視化技術の研究開発(MIC/SCOPE #195004002)(2019)
- Research and development on space-time propagation characteristics of millimeter-wave band access links for next generation mobile communication systems
次世代移動通信システムのためのミリ波帯アクセスリンクの時空間伝搬特性に関する研究開発(MIC/SCOPE #145004102)(2014)