International Conference Proceedings/Standardization
- Minghe Mao, Masato Yomoda, Minseok Kim “Characterization of Indoor Sub-THz Channels at 154 and 300 GHz,” EuCAP 2025, Mar. 2025.
- Minseok Kim, Minghe Mao, “Rician Fading Models for Rough Surface Reflection at 300 GHz,” EuCAP 2025, Mar. 2025.
- “PROPOSED REVISION to Recommendation ITU-R P.1411, Basic transmission loss and delay spread in street canyon scenarios at 154 and 300 GHz,” ITU-R WP3K/104, Feb. 2025.
- Minseok Kim, Minghe Mao, Masato Yomoda, “Sub-THz Channel Characterization in a Street Canyon Environment,” COST CA20120 INTERACT, 10th MC and Technical Meeting, TD(25)10049, Jan. 2025.
- Minghe Mao, Masato Yomoda, Minseok Kim, Shigenobu Sasaki, “Street Canyon Channel Characteristics at 154 GHz and 300 GHz,” IEEE802.15-25-0013, Jan. 2025.
- Yang Miao, Minseok Kim, Naoya Suzuki, CheChia Kang, Jun-ichi Takada, “Measurement-based Characterization of ISAC Channels with Distributed Beamforming at Dual mmWave Bands and with Human Body Scattering and Blockage,” IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2024.
- Sumio MORIOKA, Takahiro INAGAWA, Naoki HOMMA, Kentaro MURATA, Hirozumi YAMAGUCHI, Atsushi SHIRANE, Minoru OKADA, Keiichi YASUMOTO, and Minsok KIM, “Dense Formation Flying of Multiple PicoSats for Communication Satellites and Its Technical Challenges,” 2024 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC‐SAT 2024), Dec. 2024.
- Minghe Mao, Anirban Ghosh, Minseok Kim, “Measurement-Based Indoor Channel Capacity Analysis at 300 GHz for Coverage Design,” 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Nov. 2024.
- Koularp Thongsavanh and Minseok Kim, “Experimental Investigation of Environment Impacts on AOA-Based Indoor Localization,” 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Nov. 2024.
- Minghe Mao, Minseok Kim, Shigenobu Sasaki, “Characterization of Indoor Sub-THz Channels at 154 and 300 GHz,” IEEE802.15-24-0586, Nov. 2024.
- Minseok Kim, Minghe Mao, Masato Yomoda, “Multipath Interaction Comparison of Indoor Sub-THz Channels at 154 and 300 GHz,” COST CA20120 INTERACT, 9th MC and Technical Meeting, TD(24)09006, Sept. 2024.
- Inocent Calist, Minseok Kim, Banibrata Bag, “Development of Quasi-Deterministic Channel Simulator forAccurate Site-Specific Channel Representation,” International Workshop on Mobile Communications and Applications (IWMCA), Aug. 2024.
- Minseok Kim, “Achievable Channel Capacity of Multi-Beam MIMO Transmission in Outdoor Hot Spot Environments at 300 GHz,” 2024 Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (AWAP), Jun. 2024.
- “Contribution to Recommendation ITU-R P.1238-12, Basic transmission loss and delay spread in conference room LoS scenarios at 154 and 300 GHz,” ITU-R WP3K/32, May 2024.
- “Contribution to Recommendation ITU-R P.1238-12, Basic Transmission Loss and Delay Spread in Corridor LoS Scenarios at 300 GHz,” ITU-R WP3K/31, May 2024.
- “154/300 GHz Dual-band Channel Measurement in a Large Conference Room,” IEEE 802.15-24-0240, May 2024.
- Riku Takahashi, Anirban Ghosh, Minseok Kim, “Double-Directional Angle-Resolved Wideband Channel Measurements and Path Loss Characterization in Corridor at 300 GHz,” EuCAP 2024, Mar. 2024.
- Yang Miao, Minseok Kim, CheChia Kang, Naoya Suzuki, Sofie Pollin, Jun-ichi Takada, “Dual-Band MmWave Measurements of Human Body Scattering and Blockage Effects Using Distributed Beamforming for ISAC Applications,” EuCAP 2024, Mar. 2024.
- Minghe Mao, Riku Takahashi, Minseok Kim, Shigenobu Sasaki, “Outdoor Double-Directional Channel Measurements in an Open Square Environment at 300 GHz,” IEEE 802.15-24-0058, Jan. 2024.
- Minseok Kim, Minghe Mao, Riku Takahashi, “Double-Directional Channel Measurements in an Outdoor Open Square Environment at 300 GHz,” COST CA20120 INTERACT, 7th MC and Technical Meeting, TD(24)07034, Jan. 2024.
- Anirban Ghosh, Riku Takahashi, Minseok Kim, “Double-Directional Channel Characterization of an Indoor Corridor Scenario at 300 GHz,” IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2023.
- Naoya Suzuki, Hibiki Tsukada, Riku Takahashi, Minseok Kim, “Characterization of Spatial Consistency of Millimeter-Wave Cluster Channels in an Urban Environment,” 2023 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Oct. 2023.
- Riku Takahashi, Hibiki Tsukada, Naoya Suzuki, Minseok Kim, “Sub-6 GHz Propagation Channel Characteristics in an Urban Macrocell Environment,” 2023 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Oct. 2023.
- Togo Ikegami, Minseok Kim, “Development of a Passive Localization Method Using Multi-Link MIMO Sensor Network,” 2023 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Oct. 2023.
- Minseok Kim, Riku Takahashi, Anirban Ghosh, “Double-Directional Channel Measurements in an Indoor Corridor Scenario at 300 GHz,” COST CA20120 INTERACT, 6th MC and Technical Meeting, TD(23)06025, Sept. 2023.
- Anirban Ghosh, Riku Takahashi, Minseok Kim, “Multipath Extraction and Cluster Identification from an Indoor Measurement at 300 GHz,” XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS 2023), Aug. 2023.
- Anirban Ghosh, Riku Takahashi, Kosuke Shibata, Minseok Kim, Shigenobu Sasaki, “Measurement and Characterization of 300 GHz Channel in a Corridor Environment” IEEE802.15-23-0328, Jul. 2023.
- Minseok Kim, “Development of THz Channel Sounding and Spatiotemporal Channel Modeling Techniques Towards Beyond-5G,” 2023 Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (AWAP), Jun. 2023.
- Inocent Calist, Minseok Kim, “Multipath Cluster-Based Scatterer Recognition by Object Detection Techniques Using Panoramic Images,” ITC-CSCC 2023, Jun. 2023.
- Discussion Document Regarding Indoor Propagation Modeling At 300 GHz (Double-Directional Channel Measurement and Characterization in Indoor Environments at 300 GHz), ITU-R WP3K/318
- Minseok Kim, Naoya Suzuki, Hibiki Tsukada, Riku Takahashi, “Frequency Dependence of Millimeter-Wave Urban Macrocell Multipath Cluster Channels,” 2023 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar. 2023.
- Anirban Ghosh, Riku Takahashi, Kosuke Shibata, Minseok Kim, “Measurement and Analysis of Radio Signal Propagation in and from Corridor at 300 GHz,” 2023 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar. 2023.
- Hibiki Tsukada, Naoya Suzuki, Riku Takahashi, Minseok Kim, Hirokazu Sawada, Takeshi Matsumura, “24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments,” 2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Nov. 2022.
- Riku Takahashi, Kosuke Shibata, Minseok Kim, “Development and Verification of Double-Directional Channel Sounder At 300 GHz,” 2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Nov. 2022.
- Togo Ikegami, Minseok Kim, “An Indoor Device-Free Localization Technique Using Multipath Wireless Channel Characteristics,” IEEE/IEIE ICCE-Asia 2022, Oct. 2022.
- Minseok Kim, Riku Takahashi, Kosuke Shibata, Anirban Ghosh, “Development and Verification of 300-GHz Double-Directional Channel Sounder,” COST CA20120 INTERACT, 3rd MC and Technical Meeting, Sept. 2022.
- Minseok Kim, Riku Takahashi, Hibiki Tsukada, “Millimeter-Wave Cluster Channel Model Validation From Small-Scale Fading Measurements,” IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sept. 2022.
- Minseok Kim, “Current and Proposed Practices for Verifying Niigata University Phased Arrays Based Double-Directional Millimetre-Wave Channel Sounder,” Millimeter-Wave Channel Sounder Verification IEEE P2982-22-0005, May 2022.
- Minseok Kim, Hibiki Tsukada, Keiichiro Kumakura, Riku Takahashi, Naoya Suzuki, Hirokazu Sawada, Takeshi Matsumura, “A 24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Sounder Using COTS Phased Arrays,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2022.
- Minseok Kim, Yuto Miyake, Togo Ikegami, Keiichiro Kumakura, Hibiki Tsukada, “Device-Free Localization Using Millimeter-Wave Double-Directional Channel Sounding Measurements,” 2022 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar. 2022.
- Inocent Calist, Zhiqiang Li, Minseok Kim, “Large Scale Channel Parameters Estimation by Utilization of Reflected Rays Information for an Urban Environment,” 2022 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar. 2022.
- Inocent Calist, Minseok Kim, “Machine Learning Based Channel Parameter Estimation for Indoor Environment Utilizing Reflected Rays Information,” 2021 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Oct. 2021.
- Keiichiro Kumakura, Shuaiqin Tang, Hibiki Tsukada, Minseok Kim, “Large Scale Characteristics of Millimeter-Wave Propagation Channels in Various Indoor Office Environments,” 2021 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Oct. 2021.
- Yuto Miyake, Kim Minseok, Takeshi Tasaki, “Room Geometry Estimation based Device-Free Localization Method,” 2021 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Oct. 2021.
- Minseok Kim, Keiichiro Kumakura, Shuaiqin Tang, Hibiki Tsukada, “Multipath Clusters Observed in Outdoor Open Square Environments at 60 GHz,” The 2021 IEEE 94th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021), Sept. 2021.
- Minseok Kim, “Mm-Wave Double-Directional MIMO Channel Sounder at Niigata University,” Millimeter-Wave Channel Sounder Verification IEEE P2982-21-0010r0, Jun. 2021.
- Minseok Kim, Shuaqin Tang, Keiichiro Kumakura, “Multi-Path Component Parameter Estimation Using Millimeter-Wave Beamforming Channel Sounder,” 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2021), Mar. 2021.
- Satoshi Yamakawa, Minseok Kim, Kensuke Matsui, Yuya Kaneko, Tadahide Kunitachi, “Experimental Investigation of Millimeter-Wave Multi-Path Propagation in Passenger Vehicles,” 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Jan. 2021.
- Kensuke Matsui, Satoshi Yamakawa, Yuya Kaneko, Minseok Kim, Tadahide Kunitachi, “Ray-Tracing Analysis of 60 GHz Band Propagation in Vehicle,” 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Jan. 2021.
- Yuto Miyake, Takeshi Tasaki, Satoshi Yamakawa, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Environment Mapping Technique using Millimeter-Wave Radio Systems,” 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Jan. 2021.
- Takeshi Tasaki, Minseok Kim, “Performance Evaluation of Millimeter-Wave Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI) based Indoor Localization,” 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Jan. 2021.
- Shuaiqin Tang, Keiichiro Kumakura, Minseok Kim, “Millimeter-Wave Double-Directional Channel Sounder using COTS RF Transceivers,” 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Jan. 2021.
- Yuan Zhou, Hideaki Momose, Satoru Yasukawa, Minseok Kim, “Development of Indoor Device-Free Location Estimation Using Commodity WiFi Device,” 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Jan. 2021.
- Abhishek Sourya, Shivashish Dutta, Aniruddha Chandra, Ales Prokes, Minseok Kim, “Find My Car: Simple RSS-based UWB Localization Algorithms for Single and Multiple Transmitters,” IEEE LATINCOM, Nov. 2020.
- Minseok Kim, Yuto Miyake, Jun-ichi Takada, “Environmental Imaging Technique for Indoor Localization using Millimeter-wave Communication Systems,” URSI GASS 2020, Aug. 2020.
- Koki Nagai, Minseok Kim, “Contactless Simultaneous Measurement Method for Breathing and Heartbeat Rates Using Millimeter-Waves,” 2020 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 2020.
- Minseok Kim, Satoru Kishimoto, Keita Akasaka, “Millimeter-Wave Indoor Channel Measurement and Intra-Cluster Modelling,” 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2020), Mar. 2020.
- Satoru Kishimoto, Satoshi Yamakawa, Minseok Kim, “Development of Radio Propagation Channel Model for Millimeter-Wave Indoor Multi-Gigabit Access Links,” 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2019), Oct. 2019 (won Best Student Paper Award)
- Minseok Kim, Takeshi Tasaki, Satoshi Yamakawa “Millimeter-Wave Radio Tomographic Imaging Technique using Multipath Components for Indoor Localization,” 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2019), Oct. 2019.
- Minseok Kim, Shigenobu Sasaki, and Jun-ichi Takada, “High-resolution millimeter-wave channel measurement and analysis,” Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (AWAP2019), Apr. 2019.
- Minseok Kim, Satoru Kishimoto, Shigenobu Sasaki, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Millimeter-Wave Scattering Process Identification and Cluster Characterization,” COST IRACON, CA15104 TD(19)09030, Jan. 2019.
- Satoru Kishimoto, Minseok Kim, Danping He, Ke Guan, “Scattering Process Identification and Cluster Analysis for Millimeter-wave Indoor Channel Model,” 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2018), Oct. 2018.
- Minseok Kim, Hideaki Momose, Tomoyuki Nakayama, “Development of Link Context-Aware Millimeter-Wave Beam Switching System using Depth-Sensor,” 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2018), Oct. 2018.
- Minseok Kim, “Contactless Monitoring of Heart and Respiration Rates Using Millimeter Wave Wideband Radio,” 2018 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2018), Aug. 2018.
- Satoru Yasukawa, Minseok Kim, “Intruder Detection Using Radio Wave Propagation Characteristics,” IEEE/IEIE ICCE-Asia 2018, Jun. 2018.
- Minseok Kim, Yuki Ichikawa “Simulation-based Body Motion Classifier Using Radio Channel Characteristics,” The 12th International Symposium on Medical ICT (ISMICT 2018), Mar. 2018.
Tatsuki Iwata, Minseok Kim, “Performance Evaluation of Channel Parameter Estimation Technique in Directional Antenna Scanning,” The 6th International Symposium on Fusion Technology (ISFT 2018), Jan. 2018. - Tomoyuki Nakayama, Minseok Kim, “Experimental Validation Of Ray Tracing Assisted Mm-Wave Switched Beamforming,” The 6th International Symposium on Fusion Technology (ISFT 2018), Jan. 2018.
- Tatsuki Iwata, Minseok Kim, “Performance Evaluation of Path Parameter Estimation Method for Directional Antenna Scanning under Phase Drift Condition,” The 32nd International Technical Conference on Circuits, Systems, Computers, and Communications of 2017 (ITC-CSCC 2017), Jul. 2017.
- Tomoyuki Nakayama, Minseok Kim, “Ray Tracing Assisted Mm-Wave Switched Beamforming,” The 32nd International Technical Conference on Circuits, Systems, Computers, and Communications of 2017 (ITC-CSCC 2017), Jul. 2017.
- Takuto Kurose, Minseok Kim, “Virtual Synthetic Array System for Directional Channel Characterization,” 4th Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (AWAP 2017), Jun. 2017.
- Minseok Kim, Kento Umeki, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Modified Channel Model For Outdoor Open Area Hotspot Access Scenario,” IEEE P802.11 Working Group for Wireless Loca Area Networks (WLANs), IEEE Document (802.11ay) 802.11-17/0451, Mar. 2017.
- Minseok Kim, Tatsuki Iwata, Kento Umeki, Jun-ichi Takada, Shigenobu Sasaki, “Indoor Channel Characteristics in Atrium Entrance Hall Environment at Millimeter-wave Band,” 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2017), Mar. 2017.
- Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “11 GHz Band MIMO Channel Characteristics in a Street Micro-Cell Environment,” 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2017), Mar. 2017.
- Minseok Kim, Tatsuki Iwata, Kento Umeki, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Mm-wave Indoor Channel Cluster Analysis by Multipath Component Extraction from Directional Antenna Scanning,” COST IRACON, CA15104 TD(17)03055, Jan. 2017.
- Minseok Kim, Tatsuki Iwata, Kento Umeki, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Mm-Wave Outdoor-to-Indoor Channel Measurement In An Open Square Smallcell Scenario,” International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2016), Oct. 2016.
- Panawit Hanpinitsak, Kentaro Saito, Junichi Takada, Minseok Kim, Lawrence Materum, “The Delay, Angular and Polarization Characteristics of Geometry-based Clusters in an Indoor Environment at 11 GHz Band,” COST IRACON, CA15104 TD(16)02013, Oct. 2016.
- Kentaro Saito, Junichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “Dense Multipath Component Characteristics in 11GHz-band Indoor Environments,” COST IRACON, CA15104 TD(16)02014, Oct. 2016.
- Sukhumarn Archasantisuk, Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Transmission Power Control in WBAN Using the Context-Specific Temporal Correlation Model,” The 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2016), Sept. 2016.
- Kentaro Saito, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Dense Multipath Component Parameter Estimation in 11GHz-band Indoor Environment,” The 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2016), Sept. 2016.
- Karma Wangchuck, Minseok Kim, Kento Umeki, Kento Umeki, Kentaro Saito, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Polarimetric Millimeter Wave Propagation Channel Measurement and Cluster Properties in Outdoor Urban Pico-cell Environment,” The 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2016), Sept. 2016.
- Minseok Kim, Kento Umeki, Tatsuki Iwata, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Simulation Based Mm-Wave Channel Model For Outdoor Open Area Access Scenarios,” The 2016 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (URSI AP-RASC 2016), Aug. 2016.
- Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “Dense Multipath Component Parameter Estimation in 11GHz-band Indoor Environment,” COST IRACON, CA15104 TD(16)01013, Jun. 2016.
- Minseok Kim, Tatsuki Iwata, Kento Umeki, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Measurement Results and Simulation Based Channel Characterization For Outdoor Open Area Access Scenarios at 58.5 GHz,” COST IRACON, CA15104 TD(16)01044, Jun. 2016.
- Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, Kentaro Saito, “Characterization of Radio Propagation Channel at 11 GHz,” Eurapean Wireless 2016 (EW 2016), May. 2016.
- Minseok Kim, Kento Umeki, Tatsuki Iwata, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Channel Model for Outdoor Open Area Access Scenarios, ”IEEE Document (802.11ay) 802.11-16/0342r1, Mar. 2016.
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “Geometrical Modeling of Shadowing Between On-body Nodes and Off-body Antennas During Various Human Movements in WBAN,” 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Apr. 2016.
- Panawit Hanpinitsak, Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, Lawrence Materum, “Clustering Method Based on Scatterer Locations for Indoor Dynamic MIMO Channel,” 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Apr. 2016.
- Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “Characteristics Evaluation of Dense Multipath Component in 11GHz-band Indoor Environment,” 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Apr. 2016.
- Jun-ichi Naganawa, Jun-ichi Takada, Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, “Antenna De-embedding in WBAN Channel Modeling Using Spherical Wave Functions: Transmit Antenna Model Validation,” 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Apr. 2016.
- Minseok Kim, Tatsuki Iwata, Kento Umeki, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Identification of Propagation Mechanism of Mm-Wave Outdoor Access Link,” Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (AWAP 2016), Busan, Korea, Jan. 2016 (won Excellent Research Award).
- Tatsuki Iwata, Minseok Kim, Kento Umeki, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, and Shigenobu Sasaki, “Identification of Mm-Wave Propagation Mechanism in an Outdoor Environment,” International Symposium on Fusion Technology (Fusioin Tech 2016), Harbin, China, Jan. 2016.
- Shigenobu Sasaki, Takuto Uchida and Minseok Kim, “Multi-dimensional TCM/OFDM for the IEEE802.22 WRAN,” The 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2015), Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
- Sukhumarn Archasantisuk, Takahiro Aoyagi, Tero Uusitupa, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Human Motion Classification Utilizing Radio Signal Strength in Wireless Body Area Network,” URSI-JRSM 2015, Sept. 2015.
- Panawit Hanpinitsak, Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “Enhanced Clustering of Multipath Components Utilizing Geometrical Parameters for Dynamic Indoor Double-Directional Propagation Channel,” URSI-JRSM 2015, Sept. 2015.
- Minseok Kim, Kento Umeki, Karma Wangchuk, Jun-ichi Takada, Shigenobu Sasaki, Polarimetric Mm-Wave Channel Measurement and Characterization in a Small Office,” IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2015), Aug. 2015.
- Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Yuyuan Chang, Jiyun Shen, Yasuhiro Oda, Satoshi Suyama, “Urban Microcellular Channel Characteristics at 11GHz,” COST IC1004 Final Workshop, Valencia, Spain, May 2015.
- Khagendra Belbase, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Study of Propagation Mechanisms and Identification of Scattering Objects in Indoor Multipath Channels At 11 GHz,” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Apr. 2015.
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Geometric Modeling of Shadowing Rate for Off-body Propagation During Human Walking,” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Apr. 2015.
- Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Yuyuan Chang, Jiyun Shen, Yasuhiro Oda, “Large Scale Characteristics of Urban Cellular Wideband Channels At 11 GHz,” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Apr. 2015.
- Gaochao Chen, Jun-ichi Naganawa, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Development of a TriPolarized Dynamic Channel Sounder for Wireless Body Area Network,” 9th International Symposium on Medical ICT (ISMICT 2015), Mar. 2015 (Kamakura, Japan).
- Jun-ichi Naganawa, Jun-ichi Takada, Takahiro Aoyagi, and Minseok Kim, “Accuracy of Approximated WBAN Channel by Fundamental Modes of Spherical Wave Functions,” 9th International Symposium on Medical ICT (ISMICT 2015), Mar. 2015 (Kamakura, Japan).
- Minseok Kim, Karma Wangchuk, Shigenobu Sasaki, Kazuhiko Fukawa, Jun-ichi Takada, “Development of Low Cost Mm-Wave Radio Channel Sounder and Phase Noise Calibration Scheme,” COST Action IC1004(EU), TD(15)12036, Jan. 2015 (Dublin, Ireland).
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Geometric modeling of shadowing rate for off-body propagation during human walking,” COST Action IC1004(EU), TD(14)11064, Sept. 2014 (Krakow, Poland).
- Panawit Hanpinitsak, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Clustering of Multipath Components Utilizing Geometrical Parameters for Indoor Double-Directional Propagation Channel,” 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2014), Nov. 2014 (Sendai, Japan).
- Jun-ichi Naganawa, Minseok Kim, Takahiro Aoyagi, Jun-ichi Takada, “FDTD-based Antenna De-embedding in WBAN On-body Channel Modeling,” 2014 URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
- Karma Wangchuk, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Cooperative Relaying and Outage Performance in Narrowband Wireless Body Area Network,” 2014 URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
- Rieko Tsuji, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Analysis of Significant Propagation Phenomena and Identification of The Objects in Urban Environment at 11 GHz,” 2014 URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
- Minseok Kim, Yuyuan Chang, Jun-ichi Takada, Jiyun Shen, Yasuhiro Oda, “Spatio-temporal Channel Characteristics in Urban Cellular Environments at 11 GHz for Future High Bit-rate Communications,” 2014 URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
- Azril Haniz, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Kei Sakaguchi, Shintaro Arata, “Application of Geostatistical Techniques for Spatial Interpolation of Location Fingerprints,”2014 URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
- Yang Miao, Katsuyuki Haneda, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Stochastic Modelling of LOS Double-directional Channel in Spherical Wave Domain ― Concept, Formulation and Validation,” 2014 URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, “Characterization of a Chip Antenna for 2.4 GHz in Proximity to Dielectric Material for Antenna De-Embedding of Body Area Networks,” 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), Apr. 2014.
- Jun-ichi Naganawa, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, and Takahiro Aoyagi, “Preliminary Study on Antenna De-embedding in FDTD-based WBAN Channel Modeling,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(14)09047, Feb. 2014 (Ferrara, Italy).
- Rieko Tsuji, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Visualization of the propagation channels and interpretation of the mechanisms in macro cellular environments at 11 GHz,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(14)09045, Feb. 2014 (Ferrara, Italy).
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Jun-ichi Takada, and Minseok Kim, “Directional characteristics of shadowing between on-body nodes and off-body antennas during human movement in WBAN,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(14)09020, Feb. 2014 (Ferrara, Italy).
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Jun-ichi Takada, and Minseok Kim, “Characterization of a chip antenna for 2.4 GHz in proximity to dielectric material for antenna de-embedding,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(13)08040, Sept. 2013.
- Azril Haniz, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Shintaro Arata, “Blind Illegal Signal Detection Utilizing Signal Cyclostationarity,” 2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC 2013), Sept. 2013.
- Junichi Naganawa, Karma Wangchuk, Minseok Kim, Takahiro Aoyagi, Jun-ichi Takada, “FDTD Simulation of Wireless Body Area Network Channel in Mesh Topology,” 2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC 2013), Sept. 2013.
- Minseok Kim, Hung Kinh Pham and Jun-ichi Takada, “Development of Low-Cost 60-GHz MillimeterWave MIMO Channel Sounding System,” 6th Global Symposium of Millimeter Waves (GSMM 2013), Apr. 2013 (Sendai, Japan).
- Akinori Fujie, Jun-ichi Naganawa, Minseok Kim, Takahiro Aoyagi, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Voxel Model Construction by Kinect for Propagation Channel Simulation,” 7th International Symposium on Medical ICT (ISMICT 2013), Mar. 2013 (Tokyo, Japan).
- Karma Wangchuk, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Cooperator Selection in 2.4GHz On-body Wireless Body Area Network,” 7th International Symposium on Medical ICT (ISMICT 2013), Mar. 2013 (Tokyo, Japan).
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Characterization for a Electrically Small Antenna in Proximity to Human Body,” 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), pp. , Apr. 2013 (Gothenburg, Sweden).
- Minseok Kim, Yohei Konishi, Yuyuan Chang, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Characterization and Modeling of Indoor Wideband MIMO Channels At 11 GHz,” 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), pp. , Apr. 2013 (Gothenburg, Sweden).
- Yohei Konishi, Minseok Kim, Yuyuan Chang, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Development of Versatile MIMO Channel Sounder for Double Directional and Multi-link Channel Characterizations at 11GHz,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(12)05051, Sept. 2012.
- Yuyuan Chang, Yohei Konishi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Indoor Wideband 8 x 12 MIMO Channel Analysis in an Exhibition Hall with Presence of People,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(12)05030, Sept. 2012.
- Minseok Kim, Yohei Konishi, Yuyuan Chang, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Measurement Results of Wideband Indoor MIMO Channel at 11 GHz,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(12)05029, Sept. 2012.
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Characterization of electrically small antenna in proximity to human body towards antenna de-embedding in body area network channel modeling,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(12)05014, Sept. 2012.
- Jun-ichi Naganawa, Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “On Point Source and Observation Modeling for Path Loss Calculation Using FDTD method,’ in Proc. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2012), Oct. 2012.’
- Yohei Konishi, Yuyuan Chang, Minseok Kim, Yuta Maruichi, Pham Van and Jun-ichi Takada, “Multi-link Indoor MIMO Measurements at 11 GHz using Scalable Wideband Channel Sounder,” in Proc. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2012), Oct. 2012.
- Yuyuan Chang, Yohei Konishi, Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “Calibration Techniques for Fully Parallel 24 X 24 MIMO Sounder,” in Proc. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2012), Oct. 2012.
- Minseok Kim, Karma Wangchuk and Jun-ichi Takada, “Link Correlation Property in WBAN At 2.4 GHz by Multi-link Channel Measurement,” 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012), pp. 548-552, Mar. 2012 (Prague, Czech Republic).
- Iswandi, Takahiro Aoyagi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “The Utilization of Body Skeleton Model for Modeling the Dynamic BAN Channels,” 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012), pp. 540-543, Mar. 2012 (Prague, Czech Republic).
- Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Scalable Wideband MIMO Channel Sounding Technique using Hybrid Scheme of Frequency and Time Division Multiplexing,” in Proc. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2011), Oct. 2011.
- Minseok Kim, Yohei Konishi, Jun-ichi Takada, “Effect of IQ Imbalance and Phase Noise in Fully Parallel MIMO Channel Sounder,” COST Action IC 1004 (EU), TD(11)02005, Oct. 2011.
- Jun-ichi Takada, Yohei Konishi, Boxin Gao, Minseok Kim, Mir Ghoraishi, Satoshi Suyama, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Developement of 4×4 Full-MIMO Channel Sounder Operating at 11 GHz with 400 MHz Bandwidth Utilizaing Software Radio Architecture,” URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Aug. 2011.
- Azril Haniz, Md. Abdur Rahman, Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “Emergency Radio Information System for Post-Disaster Communication,” International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Jun. 2011.
- Md. Abdur Rahman, Azril Haniz, Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “Implementation of a Spectrum Automatic Modulation Classification in Wireless Disaster Area Emergency Network (W-DAEN),” International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Jun. 2011.
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Iswandi, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Kiyoshi Hamaguchi, Ryuji Kohno, “Body Motion and Channel Response of Dynamic Body Area Channel,” in Proc. the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), pp. 3138-3142, Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011.
- Yohei Konishi, Minseok Kim, Mir Ghoraishi, Jun-ichi Takada, Satoshi Suyama and Hiroshi Suzuki, “Channel Sounding Technique using MIMO Software Radio Architecture,” in Proc. the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), pp. 2546-2550, Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011.
- Md. Abdur Rahman, Azril Haniz, Santosh Khadka, Iswandi, Mutsawashe Gahadza, Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “Implementation of a Spectrum Sensing Based Emergency Radio information System,” SDR 10, Washington DC, U.S., Nov. 2010 (invited).
- Mir Ghoraishi, Minseok Kim, and Jun-ichi Takada, “Influence of Phase Noise on the Frequency Division Multiplexing Channel Sounding,” 2010 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, pp. 1938- 1941, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010.
- Azril Haniz, Md. Abdur Rahman, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Spectrum Sensing on Emergency Radio Spectrum Management System,” 2010 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2010), pp. 985-990, Tokyo, Oct. 2010.
- Md. Abdur Rahman, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Emergency Radio Identification by Supervised Learning Based Automatic Modulation Recognition,” 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, CP-4, Toyama, Japan, Sept. 2010.
- Iswandi, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Effect of On-Body Antenna Motions To the BAN Channel Fluctuations,” 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, BCK-4, Toyama, Japan, Sept. 2010.
- Takahiro Aoyagi, Iswandi, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Kiyoshi Hamaguchi, Ryuji Kohno, “Study of Relation Between Body Motion and Channel Response of Dynamic Body Area Channel,” COST 2100 Management Committee Meeting, TD(10)11060, Aalborg, Denmark, Jun. 2010.
- Bin Zhen, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Ryuji Kohno, “Finite-state Markov model for on-body channels with human movements,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.
- Minseok Kim, Kimtho Po, Jun-ichi Takada, “Performance Enhancement of Cyclostationarity Detector by Utilizing Multiple Cyclic Frequencies of OFDM signals,” IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) symposium, Singapore, Apr. 2010.
Before 2010
- Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim, and Mir Ghoraishi, “On the Channel Sounding Technique using MIMO Software Radio Architecture,” COST 2100 Management Committee Meeting, TD(10)10094, Athens, Greece, Feb. 2010.
- Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, “Statistical Characterization of 4.5 GHz Narrowband On-Body Propagation Channel,” COST 2100 Management Committee Meeting, TD(10)10031, Athens, Greece, Feb. 2010.
- Choonghoon Bae, Takayuki Moteki, Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige, Hiroyuki Arai, “Fast SPTTerm Allocation and Efficient FPGA Implementation of FIR Filters for Software Defined Radio Applications,” Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), pp. 680-683, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2009.
- Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “Efficient Multi-channel Wideband Spectrum Sensing Technique Using Filter Bank,” IEEE International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pp. 1014-1018, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2009.
- Iswandi, Minseok Kim, Yuuki Terao and Jun-ichi Takada, “Observation of Physical Mechanism of On-Body Channel Fluctuation,” International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Sendai, Japan, Sept. 2009.
- Minseok Kim and Jun-ichi Takada, “Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Shadow Fading by Human Movement on Body Surface Propagation Channel,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Charleston, SC, U.S., Jun. 2009 (invited).
- Bin Zhen, Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Ryuji Kohno, “Characterization and modeling of dynamic on-body propagation,” 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, London, UK, Apr. 2009.
- Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Tetsuo Ando and Ryuji Soma, “Development of Real-Time Propagation Measurement System for Electric Toll Collecting (ETC) System,” 2008 URSI General Assembly, Chicago, U.S., Aug. 2008 (invited).
- Minseok Kim, Jun-ichi Takada, Lawrence Materum, Tomoshige Kan, Yuuki Terao, Yohei Konishi, Kenji Nakai, and Takahiro Aoyagi, “Statistical Property of Dynamic BAN Channel Gain at 4.5GHz,” IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Network, IEEE 802.15-080489-01-0006, July 2008 (Denver, Co, USA).
- Minseok Kim and Hiroyuki Arai, “Low-profile Loop-shaped Inverted-F Wire Antenna with Dualmode Operation,” IEEE TENCON 2007, Taipei, Taipei, Nov. 2007.
- Hirokazu Oba, Minseok Kim and Hiroyuki Arai, “FPGA Implementation of Fast LMS and NLMS Processor for Adaptive Array Applications,” 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2006), pp. 485-488, Tottori, Japan, Dec. 2006.
- Yoshiaki Yokoyama, Minseok Kim and Hiroyuki Arai, “Implementation of Systolic RLS adaptive array using FPGA and Its Performance Evaluation,” 2006 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2006 fall), Montreal, CA, Sept. 2006. .
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “Fixed Point Beamforming System with 8-element Antenna Array,” 2006 Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT Joint Conference (KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT’06), Kanazawa, Japan, Sept. 2006.
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “A Novel Beamforming Technique Using DOA Estimation and Its Hardware Implementation,” 2005 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2005), pp. 519-522, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2005.
- Yoshiaki Yokoyama, Minseok Kim and Hiroyuki Arai, “FPGA Implementation of RLS Systolic Array,” 2005 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2005), pp. 653-656, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2005.
- Atsushi Nakajima, Minseok Kim and Hiroyuki Arai, “FPGA Implementation of MMSE Adaptive Array Antenna using RLS algorithm,” International Symposium of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS2005), Vol. 3A, pp. 303-306, June. 2005.
- Atsushi Nakajima, Minseok Kim and Hiroyuki Arai, “Performance Evaluation of MMSE Adaptive Array using FPGA,” 2004 Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT Joint Conference (KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2004.
- Aiko Kiyono, Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “Jitter Effect on Digital Downconversion Receiver with Undersampling Scheme,” The 2004 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS2004), Vol.2, pp. 677-680, Hiroshima, Japan, Jul. 2004.
- Tatsuo Fuji, Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “Use of Alias Harmonic Components in D/A conversion for Generating High Frequency IF Signals,” The 2004 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS2004), Vol.2, pp. 197-200, Hiroshima, Japan, Jul. 2004.
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “Real-time Smart Antenna System Incorporating FPGA-based Fast DOA Estimator,” 2004 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2004 fall), pp. 160-164, Los Angeles, CA, US, Sept. 2004.
- Hiroyuki Arai and Minseok Kim, “Hardware Design of RF and Digital Units for Smart Antenna System,” 2003 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2003), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2003.
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “DOA-based Adaptive Array Antenna Testbed System,” 2003 IEEE AP-S Topical Conference on Wireless Communication Technology, pp. 374- 375, Honolulu, HI, US, Oct. 2003.
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “Implementation of FPGA based Fast DOA Estimator using Unitary MUSIC Algorithm,” 2003 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2003 fall), Vol. 1, pp. 213-217, Orlando, FL, US, Oct. 2003.
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “Design of Jacobi EVD Processor Based on CORDIC for DOA Estimation with MUSIC Algorithm,” The 13th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC2002), Vol. 1, pp. 120-124, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2002.
- Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “FPGA-Based DSP Implementation of Simple MRC beamformer,” 2001 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2001), pp.589-592, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2001.
- Kohei Mori, Yuki Inoue, Minseok Kim, Koichi Ichige and Hiroyuki Arai, “DBF array antenna systems at 8.45 GHz,” International Symposium of IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society (APS2001), pp. 222-225, Boston, MA, US, June 2001.